dream like dreamers do♥.
in my ears .
just another crush♥.
And speak in a language you can understand.
" is a photodiary I've decided to initiate, compiling day to day events with a snapshot of a moment of the day.
snapshot of a minute in my life, that caught my eye, with a caption of sorts, either explaining the picture or describing my emotions.
I have been told that I never really open up myself to others, and more often than not, I leave people wondering what I truly feel or giving them confusing signals.
Thus, this photodiary, is in a sense, a window to my head.
All my thoughts, my emotions, everything I usually keep out-of-sight, will be put under here, other then my regular blog posts, which are usually not very informative.
Welcome, to the chaos and mess in my head.
I hope you'd find something that speaks to you, whether to pull you through something difficult, or to relate to.
stupidity breeds charm
Sunday, 17 January 2010
i have a sudden urge to do something so stupid that i will regret after completing whatever it is.
i've always been doing stupid things that i regret afterwards.
i want an adrenaline shot.
or a new piercing.
or maybe i should run away and hide in a shelter.
i think im going crazy.
i've always been crazy. =/
i think i really need a new piercing.
like chopping off my hair no kick already.
maybe i should save up and get a tattoo
but then edward wont talk to me anymore ):
and robin will kill me ));
urgh. i need a new kick.
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 00:43
missed you suddenly
Thursday, 7 January 2010
maybe for a minute there
i missed you
but its just maybenow you guys are wondering what's with me
leaving weird incompleted stuff on my blog
and why did i just make you curious
well cause i like
i got two new stories
yay me !
finally productive after dunno how many monkey years
too bad weichuan
its not th Power essay
havent got arnd to really writing it down
hahah im lazy
and you just like to act cute
byeeeeeeee ~ :DD
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 01:31
at wit's end
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
i dont think that they are cowards
i think they are forced down that road
because everyone else is too busy
to do humane things
like listening
they feel like there's no one out there
to hold their hands
when they are drowning
the worst part is
they are right
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:35