dream like dreamers do♥.
in my ears .
just another crush♥.
And speak in a language you can understand.
" is a photodiary I've decided to initiate, compiling day to day events with a snapshot of a moment of the day.
snapshot of a minute in my life, that caught my eye, with a caption of sorts, either explaining the picture or describing my emotions.
I have been told that I never really open up myself to others, and more often than not, I leave people wondering what I truly feel or giving them confusing signals.
Thus, this photodiary, is in a sense, a window to my head.
All my thoughts, my emotions, everything I usually keep out-of-sight, will be put under here, other then my regular blog posts, which are usually not very informative.
Welcome, to the chaos and mess in my head.
I hope you'd find something that speaks to you, whether to pull you through something difficult, or to relate to.
bad blood left him in ruins
Sunday, 21 February 2010
you wanna know what this feeling's called ?
it's called guilt.
ohyeah heart-wrenching sickening guilt
like you wanna puke everytime you think about it .
funny. i guess i actually do have a heart.
and a conscious.
didnt know that they actually existed.
i actually like screwing up my own life.
either that or i actually hate myself more than i guessed.
so much so that i enjoy seeing myself suffer.
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 00:21
good night and good bye
Sunday, 14 February 2010
all dreams have to end one day.
i've got so many things to say
but i suppose i'm far too much of a coward to say them.
plus, even if i said them
can you really understand what i'm trying to tell you ?
somehow i need to get brave again
stupid talking
but if you can read between the lines
im leaving soon
cos i cant cause trouble anymore
and im not expecting him to stop me
cause it'll be weird and unlike him
i said before
if it ends
i highly doubt time and friends can heal me again
im fucking screwed this time.
but im done.
i cant take it anymore
i cant fight back anymore.
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 01:57
darling, love isnt real
Monday, 8 February 2010
my gorgeous sexy adorable baby
who is also my 24/7 punching bag bought me
a gorgeous sexy adorable to-die-for game
that is like alright kinda price
but still quite painful on the wallet
guess what game it is !
its like super cute and super new
that super cute game
with that super cute thing
but its for PS3
so if i want to play it
i hve to go over to his place.
i think he planned that...
its my early birthday present.
but i hvent tried it out yet
cos i was helping him to chiong maths and lit.
funny part is : I DONT TAKE LIT.
i just anyhow whack.
hope its correct thou, cos it's his test tmrw
or rather later on.
th dummy wasted his entire weekend playing
thn he make me panic with him cos he cant finish anything.
had dinner with his family
ate at Lau Pa Sat
which funny enough reminds me off Newton's Circle
thn dragged smelly boy off to PS
hee :D
we went shoppinggg :P
and bought that super cute sexy gorgeous to-die-for game.
i think shuxin will want to play it too
she a dumbass by-the-way
i know you will see this :D
she's a dumb, crazy, smelly ass ((:
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 01:24
bad tempered tortise
Saturday, 6 February 2010
i'm like omfg pissed
and he's laughing -.-
its like outsiders shldnt comment
unless we said you could
and honestly, i dont care if it looks like im living in a goddamn fucking bubble
just fuck off and dont burst it.
now let me apologise to all you shocked and offended readers
who are shaking your heads right now
at my un-lady-like use of vulgarities
well too bad.
because im beyond pissed.
alot of things have been driving me up the wall the past few days
i suppose on good days i'll laugh along with you
but on bad days you really dont want to stick around
cause you'll just wither and die
like the pathetic person you are.
so i repeat dont try laughing
unless i said so.
and i shall repeat something else
dont fucking comment if you're not me or himyou dont know what goes on behind closed doors
you dont even know me well.
you can be his goddamn brother for all i fucking care
but you got no place to tell me that i fucking deserve better.
and i suppose that you're refering to yourself?
well that's just fucking pathetic.
you are lower than low.
with friends like you, he probably dont even need enemies.
i want to laugh at your sad, worthless efforts
if Dante's Inferno were true
you'd burn in the Ninth Circle
in Judecca.
cos you'll fucking deserve it.
dragging my name in the mud
so that we'll deal with shit.
well im sorry.
cos it didnt freaking work.
so just go hang yourself somewhere
where i wont see you.
you probably wont even see this
and everyone will think "Oh wasting your breath on something a loser like you wont see"
i dont mind.
cos its
my blog
and whatever i say goes.
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 01:54
foolish kindness they overlooked
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
A foolish man went on a journey, and wherever he traveled, people tricked him out of his belongings, saying they needed his help. Eventually he was naked and, ashamed to be seen, he went into the woods. There he met monsters who wanted to eat him, so they tricked him into giving up his arms and legs and even his eyes, until he was nothing but a head. The last monster, as he munched on the traveler's eyes, gave him a piece of paper that said "fool," and the traveler wept for joy, because no one had ever given him anything before.
But, honestly speaking, who was the real fool?
the man who keep giving even when he had nothing left?
or the people and monster who were selfish enough to take, even when there was nothing left?
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 12:55