dream like dreamers do♥.
in my ears .
just another crush♥.
And speak in a language you can understand.
" is a photodiary I've decided to initiate, compiling day to day events with a snapshot of a moment of the day.
snapshot of a minute in my life, that caught my eye, with a caption of sorts, either explaining the picture or describing my emotions.
I have been told that I never really open up myself to others, and more often than not, I leave people wondering what I truly feel or giving them confusing signals.
Thus, this photodiary, is in a sense, a window to my head.
All my thoughts, my emotions, everything I usually keep out-of-sight, will be put under here, other then my regular blog posts, which are usually not very informative.
Welcome, to the chaos and mess in my head.
I hope you'd find something that speaks to you, whether to pull you through something difficult, or to relate to.
In 365 Days: Let the Rain Fall
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
"Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams
Let it wash away
My sanity
'Cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream
Let the rain fall
I'm coming clean"- Come Clean (Let The Rain Fall Down)
Hilary DuffLabels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:08
In 365 Days: Hearts
Monday, 30 January 2012
It was a quick photo shoot
Where we had to act like a couple
The pictures were really adorable
But my partner won't let me put it up
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:06
In 365 Days: Memo
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Them memories too vivid
If I had a Erase potion
I'd take it
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:05
In 365 Days: Picnic
Saturday, 28 January 2012
We had cheese
Fruit tarts, and noodles.
It was like a
tai-tais' gathering
Except we were all too young and unmarried
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:02
In 365 Days: Puss in Boots
Friday, 27 January 2012
Found Puss in Boots
At the void deck of my block
He's a vicious little thing
Despite his adorable looks
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:00
In 365 Days: Light at the End of the Road
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Desperately clutching at what little hope is left
You see the light at the end of the tunnel
And you grit your teeth and go on
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 21:17
In 365 Days: Volunteer
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
The amazing people I work with
Who keep me coming back for more
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so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:29
In 365 Days: Guinea Pig
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
A new addition to the animal family!
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so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:27
In 365 Days: Crash
Monday, 23 January 2012
And we lost our dining table on the first day of Chinese New Year
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so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:16
In 365 Days: Let's Get Fizzical
Sunday, 22 January 2012
It was an amusing phrase
From a horrible tasting drink
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:02
In 365 Days: Night Life
Saturday, 21 January 2012
She brought me around town that night
And we had breakfast and wine
We were happy
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:00
No excuses for my actionsSometimes I'm a fool
For throwing away the people that actually care about me
And running after the people that don't
I take advantage of the fact that you care
And that you'll always be there
And selfishly use you
Forgetting that everyone has a limit
And then when you get sick of my selfishness
You turn and walk away
Only then would I run after you to tell you I'm sorry
Only then would I realise the things you've done for me
Only then would I regret my actions
What I did that night was horrible
I didn't mean to make use of you
I didn't mean to make you feel like a last choice decision
I shouldn't have called you up afterwards and rudely rubbed salt in your wounds
It was a self-centered action
I know that no amount of apologies can make you feel better
I know that things may not go back to how it was
I'm not playing the victim
Because I'm not one. You are.
I'm not good at fixing broken relationships
And I screw up more often then not
But I'm really sorry about that night.
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 10:00
In 365 Days: Contradictions
Friday, 20 January 2012
The more we talked
The more I realised we are very contradictory people
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 21:48
In 365 Days: We be studious people
Thursday, 19 January 2012
We studied indeed.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 21:42
In 365 Days: Work
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
'Nuff said.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:08
In 365 Days: Pomogranate Margarita
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
It has been a long time
Since we sat down with drinks
And watched while the world passed by
It has been a long time
Since we've had a date
That didn't end up in tears.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 01:35
In 365 Days: Weather
Monday, 16 January 2012
While the sun makes every picture I take look amazing
I don't quite like the humidity that comes with it.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 01:33
In 365 Days: Double Date
Sunday, 15 January 2012
It was my first time on a double date
Because usually no one could get along with anyone.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 01:27
In 365 Days: Tea
Saturday, 14 January 2012
For a moment
It seemed time re-winded
And it was just two of us sitting there enjoying each others' company
For a moment
It seemed like the old days
When it was you and me and nothing else mattered
Then you went back to reality
And brought disappointment along.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 01:24
In 365 Days: Night Light
Friday, 13 January 2012
It was cold
We were shivering
But it was well worth it
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 16:35
In 365 Days: Fairy Lights
Thursday, 12 January 2012
I put up fairy lights,
So that you'd find your way home,
If you ever lose it,
Back to me.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 12:11
In 365 Days: Warm Soup
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Finally got my hands on the new soup that Itacho Sushi release
While having dinner with Candice
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 12:09
In 365 Days: Lamp Post
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
They spread light
To the darkened alleys
And cold, cold night
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 12:08
In 365 Days: Judgement
Monday, 9 January 2012
We talked about discrimination today
About how it was bad for society
About how we were merely human
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 11:06
In 365 Days: Inbetween the Lines
Sunday, 8 January 2012
You need to learn how to read between the lines
Else they'll trap you in their nets.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 10:53
In 365 Days: A Huge Mistakes Eraser
Saturday, 7 January 2012
It was a Christmas gift from a friend
But it got me thinking how we all need something like that
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 20:31
In 365 Days: Shopping
Friday, 6 January 2012
With my cousin
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 23:48
In 365 Days: Another
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Just another day
Another hour
Another minute
Another second
Spent doing nothing.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 12:37
In 365 Days: Daily Vitamin
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
I simply can't
Live without this can.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 15:45
In 365 Days: Going back to the Start
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
It's back to school today.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 10:27
In 365 Days: The End
Monday, 2 January 2012
Let's try to make it back together
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 22:20
In 365 Days: A Quiet Start
Sunday, 1 January 2012
In a quiet cafe,
With a cup of tea.
That was how I begun my 2012.
Labels: In 365 Days
so we said; thee, thee, hear. 09:12