fall for a stranger , scandalous❤.

Nerissa Clarice Tan
13th May
Simply adores curious clothes , quirky songs and funny shows .
Oh , did I mention ? She love/hates her favourite people too

those poets♥
the secrets underneath♥

dream like dreamers do♥.
A rainbow in the sky The sound of your laughter in my ears .

just another crush♥.
This blogger henceforth shall attempt to write unashamedly, Take lots of pictures without embarrassment, And speak in a language you can understand.Not.

old records♥
August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 November 2013 April 2014

In 365 Days♥

"In 365 Days" is a photodiary I've decided to initiate, compiling day to day events with a snapshot of a moment of the day.
It is the snapshot of a minute in my life, that caught my eye, with a caption of sorts, either explaining the picture or describing my emotions.
I have been told that I never really open up myself to others, and more often than not, I leave people wondering what I truly feel or giving them confusing signals.
Thus, this photodiary, is in a sense, a window to my head.
All my thoughts, my emotions, everything I usually keep out-of-sight, will be put under here, other then my regular blog posts, which are usually not very informative.

Welcome, to the chaos and mess in my head. I hope you'd find something that speaks to you, whether to pull you through something difficult, or to relate to.

Welcome to 365 Days of my life.

In 365 Days

just ask♥

ask them questions
don't leave your answers

colour codes

Most Inspiring English Teacher Award 2008

Thursday, 30 October 2008

keqin, my small-headed friend

goldfishes !

piggy-back on my wife

googly-eyed !

those Jackie Chan wanna-bes :D

the sunset from the top level
yesterday was super duper uber funnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

woke up late for rehersal...
for the poetry recital thingy at National Library
by the time i reached school i was like 45mins late
even keqin was earlier thn me ??
so we practiced and practiced and practiced some more
thn at 12pm they split into two groups
one group(gerald, jinren, bavisha, yishuan, liyuen and michael) went to leisure to eat pastamania
and the rest, beverly, jordan, tabitha, radhika went to the airport to send steven off !

argh !
i didnt knw cause tht dumb jordan didnt tell me ?
all he told me was "we're going to the airport"
he didnt tell me who ?!?!?
retarded imaginary friend

so anyway i joined the ELDDS for awhile. watching thm was so funny :DD
hahas they're really funnnn people(:

thn gerald and gang came back with our lunch(keqin's and mine)
hahas thanks guys:DD

so we ate thn changed and ran through the whole thing again.
thn we left at four
while waiting for the taxi to come i saw jerome, jeremy,wenyoung the whole group.. lols [hi , hello]

the library was huge ! !@#$% like really big
we went up to the 16th floor which was really cool
we ate some more and chatted and practice
thn whn it came to our turn to perform (we were after Temasek Sec's Capella)

i totally forgot my lines
!@#%$ scary !!! thank God for keqin who ran through with me again
we wnt to the "stage" and perfomed. LAWL me and keqin didnt screw up ! ahahahahahahahaha
super hyper after that !

Congrats to Mdm Lim who won the Most Inspiring English Teacher Award :DD
thn we fooled around and left about 9 maybe earlier maybe later
had a funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn night guys :DD


so we said; thee, thee, hear. 13:25

lol and dots

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

hi , hello :D
i got promoted :DD
awesome or wht ?
me and jordan were so worried larhhs !
we were like :
okay we live , thn live together , die at least still got each other
all for nothing !
hahas !
next year really must jiayou larhhs
cannot keep slacking like this year
tsk !
me and jordan not together pls...
incase anyone get wrong idea
and my msn pm ?
its for fun one hors
hahas !
cause kaiyuan (dearest gaurdian angel) very emo these few days
hahas so i trying to cheer him up okays ?!
hahas ! the whole conversation went like that



take me away would you ? where no one can find me ? said:
hellos :D



take me away would you ? far away where no one can find me ? said:
why so happy?

cos i love you


take me away would you ? far away where no one can find me ?
oaky ? ...


only okay>


so since he so happy so might as well not spoil his happy mood rights ?
so i send back 'i love you too? '
thn the whole nonsense started....
now i have to put that up for one week..............................
hahas !
kaiyuanT. better be happy and study harddddddddddddddd


so we said; thee, thee, hear. 23:06

no pictures !!

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

you knw wht i just realized ?
i realized that i haven';t posted any pictures for very long....
hehheh dont feel like it either :D


so we said; thee, thee, hear. 21:33


Sunday, 19 October 2008

sometimes, things happen so fast that i lose the things that are more important in life
small stuffs like relationships, popularity, a boyfriend etc

dont get me wrong, im not saying
that you shouldnt care about those who care and cherish you

what i mean is
i get so caught up with myself that i forget my thankyous

i forget that i blessed and that there are many out there who have no friends
who have no one to love,
no family,
no education,
no money etc

i forget that im much more lucky then many others

i have a perfect family, even though we scream at each other every now and then

i have the greatest friends anyone can have, the ones who listen to me rant and cheer me up, always supporting me and telling me never to give up, the ones who message me every now and then asking me if im well, or when im sick, they sms me making sure that im not dead

hahas and i have much to be thankful for. like im not down with some incurable disease
or im not born in africa

and things happen so fast i forget the important things that matter

like i have a pair of legs to run, what about those who are wheel-chair bound?
im normal, i may not be super-smart, but what about those who have Down Syndrome?
and etc

so what's the point of my post?
i have no idea at all
im just stating some stuff that i've been thinking about
and they won't stop bugging me until i've written them down / told someone etc.
so here im and thank God for that

hahas !

okayokay seriously

Grace that loving PTS - thanks for letting me into your house and listen to me rant on and on
thanks for letting me finish all your fruits and cheering me up
Robin that sweet sister - thanks for checking on me and making me happy, thanks for caring
enough and always being there for me
Edward Chi, my WIFE - thanks for listening to my crap hahas ! and letting me have my way
everytime, no matter how unreasonable, thanks for counselling even
though its dragging sometimes
DiEn, that nagging kor - thanks for nagging me to study hard and for cheering me on
Shuxin, tht darling - i will marry your kor haha ! and we'll be real sisters ! thanks for being
my friend, always telling me not to be retarded when i need it
Jade the crazy woman - thanks for being the sarcastic one hahas ! always making us laugh
Dionne that blurqueen - we've been friends for three years. thanks for sticking next to me
PehHan, grandpa - thanks for the talks, the chats and the help. you're the best grand-daddy
and zone leader !
Jeremy, Daddy - thanks for taking us out, looking out for us, making us laugh, leading and
guiding us. the best daddy and cell leader a kid can have
Jasmine, Mummy - thanks for the hugs andkisses, the care and concern, the fun stuff and
being my mummy
Cell, THE family - the fun and laughter brought by you guys can never be replaced, Johnny-
poo for all the chokes, LiangHui for the praise&worship, XiangJun, even
though my accents will always be better, thanks for competing :D, JinSong
for planning all the fun, Soloman, for being the solo-ist?, the rest for making
fun happen(:
Zoie, my gurl - will and always be, thanks for listening and being there always taking note
when im downnnnnnnnnnnnn !
OCIP guys, gurls and teachers - thanks for making the experience memorable :D
Yuwen, BOINK ! - my boink partner !!! forever we'll boink together yeah ?
KaiYuan, guardianangel - thanks for guarding me :D
brd Bowling team - thanks for looking after me, even though im the oldest there now, you
guys always look after me, when it should be the other way round...
HuiShan, evil teacher - thanks for all the coffee hahas ! even though my maths still cmi i will
still keep trying and jiayou !
MissCarinTham, that shortmummy - thanks for letting me and jordan keeping bugging
you !
Sammy - thanks for studying with me, the dinner and saving my life with those awesome
Desiree - thanks for the yummy chocolates :D and the hairdryer to blow dry my clothes :DD
EdwinChi - you didnt knw but you cheered me up by irritating your brother and telling me
that you found my voice in the toiletbowl, thanks(:
Aloy - for being the pain and my punching bag(:
XinYi, Tricia, Vyann, KekYun, JinFei, Ms Jan - tuition wont be the same without you !
Chem tuition peeps - chem tuition isnt chem tuition if you arent around
all those horrible people who made me cry, exes, mean friend etc - without you guys, i wouldnt know how lucky i am to have the greatest friends and family around me ((:

did i miss out anyone ? i hope not ... if i remember i'll re-edit again.. hahas !!


so we said; thee, thee, hear. 13:52

Thursday, 16 October 2008

edward chi !
why did you have to !@#$% call last night when tonight is the night
i need you to crap-talk me into being happy again ?!
argh ! useless wife !
your husbad is emo-ing now !
if i die tonight
i will haunt you foever !
rawr !

well okays

im just being lame and retarted....
and upset for once......................................................................................
and ranting it on my blog.............................................................................


so we said; thee, thee, hear. 21:15

that wife called

hi , hello

guess who called last night when i was emoing at grace PTS house?
my darling bhb wife , edward chi
and did you knw what tht retard did ?
he demanded that i wish him goodluck for his O's
and to be entertained cause he was bored studying
that bhb wife of mine is retarded !!

OH !

and he asked me not to blog about this either
like all my other posts about him
andandand !
he threatens to kill me too !!
he will cry if i die rights wife ?
hahas !
i can like imagine his face now
giving me that 'look'
the one say 'i-really-want-to-throw-you-off-a-high-building' look
and he is trying not to laugh cause i guess correct as usual

note i used the word TRYING
note im adding the folling words : BUT FAILING BADLY


i guess the O's dont stop these retards from bugging me :D
robin is also irritating me on friendster :DD
YAY ! hahahaha

i talked to LEE DIEN
ha !
that guy totally change cans ?
last time always suan me
got chance only suan like nobody business
now become very encouraging
he keep nagging me to study hard
thn say i better be promoted to sec4 next year
hahas !
sweet rights ?
but very wrong....
not used to him being so nice............... =3


so we said; thee, thee, hear. 18:37

no more exams

Monday, 13 October 2008

hi , hello
let me tell you something(:

go burn all those textbooks , notes , worksheets and exam papers


exams are OVER !!!

doesnt it just rawk now ?
now all we have to worry about are the retarded results... :\
now that just suck...
real bad
especially for me...


that's life for you

supposed to go to nooriya's house today
but i fell asleep..............
i've been sleeping alot
the whole weekend and this afternoon
dumb flu.


so we said; thee, thee, hear. 18:03

imy !

Sunday, 12 October 2008

i miss some of my favourite people !!!
life's no funnnnnnn
why must thr be O levels ????

*major emo session*

exams are going to be over
but they still having examsssssss
rawr !!!
dumb O's
next year my turn
no funnnnnnnn
rawr !

dearest retards[robin, edward,aloy, dien, kaiyuan] (how nice)
hurry finish your O's !
im superrrr no life can ?!
must pass hor !
next year i dont want to graduate with you all !
next year you better be in some random poly or jc okays ?

huh ! i pass is good enough for now can ?? ): hahas ! look at my horrible results for this year
i cant believe it either.... hahahaha

can't you see how much i miss you and how much i want you back ? do you still love me ? or am i honestly just another play-thing? its not as if no one warned me. but i didn't listen. i hate myself for not listening. it's always like that. why wont i listen to those people who care for me for once. they know that the kind of guys i like are never good for me. yet i never listen. am i dumb or am i dumb ?


so we said; thee, thee, hear. 11:52


Saturday, 11 October 2008

this past fews days are horrible.
guess what ?
im sick. again.
always happens during exams =.=
plus exams around the corner
thn gt alot of couples fight...
you two knw who you guys are larhhs
but im glad its worked out for the both of you :D
look at the rest of us singles
so lonely
well. no not really hahhaaha !
my tuition teacher says its cause of the exam
anyways i have one paper left (x
and im freeeeeeeee xDD
poor those who have O's x)
im going be really evil and rub it in wifey's face :D
and he'll be so pissed and refuse to talk to me haha
and hopefully i'll pass
thn grace owes me something :DD
ohyes im waiting hehehe
its starts with a 'H' incase you forgot hahahah

oh something funny happened the other day
i was on the bus with shuxin on the way to her house
thn the bus was super packed
thn at one stop alot of people got off
thn this old man came to us and told us to take his sit
since he was getting off
and we were like "oh yay ! thank you uncle"
thn he ask if we're sisters
not the first time hahas !
ehhs shuxin do i look like you or do you look like me?
i think its the second one rights ? xD
but thn it'll be so cool if we really are sisters can ?
thn after tht we started on tht talk again
after everytime someone say we look alike
we always end up arguing
i would say 'i marry your brother thn we will be real sisters liaos'
and she will go 'no way! i will object to the match'
thn we will argue and argue thn suddenly talk about how our dream weddings will be like
funn lorhhs
i think she now very touched tht i blog about her rights ?
ahahahahah !


so we said; thee, thee, hear. 09:21

robin is sweet sixteen

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

happy birthday robin !
sweet sixteen hahahaha !!

last night was super duper awesome
except for some spoilers.....
otherwise it was cool !!
hahas we (sammy, desiree, me, edward, robin, aloy, edwin and joshua)
celebrated robin's birthday with him

mummy and daddy went to pick edward from parkway
edwin stayed behind to wait for desiree

we had decided go to ECP's hongkong cafe to celebrate

*tht retarded robin ask me to choose whr to eat
i said we go lagoon
thn he said "ehh...ECP thr got hongkong cafe right? we go thr eat"
ohthanks ? thought i decide... =.=
but being the nice person tht i am
i let him choose in the end hahahah !

so whn we reach ECP edward called sammy
and just nice robin called me (sammy was already with robin)
so whtevr edward said robin could hear and whtevr sam said i could hear
how retarded and lame can we get ??

eitherways we got sam to run out
write her message on the card edward bought
leaving robin thr all alone
hahahaha evil aren't we ?

so we finally went to the cafe and gave robin his present
had funfunfun chatting crapping and aloy came
dont need say.
he is the super irritating retard
bleahhs. always bullying me sam and desiree

the joshua called said he reached taonan thr
so me and edward went to pick him up
by the time we return the food cold already, desiree and edwin reached already. =.=

thn robin went off somewhr...
so me desiree and sam run off to gelare to get him....
a slice of apple crumble ! xD
it had a candle okay?
and i had to go buy a lighter to light it too ...

so we walked in with the cake thn we stood up and sang happy birthday to robin
his face turn red hahahaha !
bet he wanted to pretend he didnt knw us larhhs !

thn desiree had to go home )):
so we waited for her brother to come and crapped around as usual
thn sent her off

so the rest of us decided to go to the beach at first
just walk and talk
thn suddenly rain haha !
so me and sam got our wish to go to the arcade
and be lame hahaha !

so we play DDR and parapara
the chi brothers also dance
hahas damn funny !
robin went to play some soccer game aloy...
well being aloy irritated us !

finally went home at 11pm
sent sammy home thn went home

super fun night :D hope robin enjoyed it ;DD

okay now im going to be mean....
remember the spoilers i mentioned ?

**you knw who you are
you knw? it's a group outing
so unglue your ear off tht phone
even if you have a new gf so what ?
its your friend's birthday
shoudnt you respect tht?
you dont see those attached talking to their steads the whole night
you totally spoiled yesterday
if you really wnt to talk to her thn dont come
stay home. its not as if your presence is really required anyw

and no money thn dont order so much food
no money thn stay home makan dont come
dont waste our money
i repeat
it's not as if your presence is required

ohyeah. at the arcade, we're just having fun
who cares if we can make it or not?
wht you said was really uncalled for
unless you can play the games better thn us thn
why dont you just shutup? honestly?

bleahhs horrible spoilers
i knw edwardchi is now going to like scold me.....
but its true wht
you dare say not true ?
he never buy present, come late and make everyone wait for him
been a jerk the whole night
seriously robin doesnt deserve a spoiler like tht you knw...
fine. i'll shuddup now. so stop your nagging. bleahhs


so we said; thee, thee, hear. 21:39